NFT Stamps by ETHLocal are sold out! 💌 🚀 🌍



Wow, INCREDIBLE news! Our Citadel Stamp - Stone Oven House (ITA) drop on OpenSea has completely sold out, and in less than 24 hours!! 🥳🎉

We are eternally grateful to Elsie, and cannot wait to introduce them to ETHLocal at Stone Oven House, next year. 🚀🚀🌍🌍

Ever wanted to go on a crypto trip to Italy? Learn more about our Citadel Stamp - Stone Oven House (ITA) drop on OpenSea here!



Our Mission 🌿

After ETHTURIN first hackathon organised by ETHLocal in April 2020 in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic, we continue the adventure to organise more hackathons and partner with local grassroots movements in small and medium cities.

ETHLocal contributes to a “local adoption” pace to crypto, by breaking the “mass adoption” agenda into smaller use cases that can feed into pre-existing and self-sustainable social innovation environments.


Our Goals ✔️

1. Develop partnerships, assist OPS and fundraising around projects with a local and sustainability scope

2. Organize and assist Ethereum events with a local call

3. Empower a healthier financial status for those grassroot initiatives willing to approach decentralized governance and finance

4. Develop a network of proofs of concept to iterate upon

5. Weave a network of “residences” for the Ethereum Community to discover, collaborate with and build upon

Read our manifesto on Medium to learn more.


Our Partners


In the News 📰

Fanny, Matteo and Harry speak at Glasgow University’s Blockchain Technology Week. Here, we explain what NFTs are, and announce our very first edition of ETHLocal NFT stamps! Watch the webinar >

Fanny discusses at Props Asia Summit What is the ownership economy? We discuss different concepts like social tokens, protocol tokens, and the different nuances between them. 

Watch the panel >


ETHLocal founders Fanny and Matteo open the call for submissions for the first round of residencies, planned for May/June 2021 and funded by ETHLocal DFO. The residencies will take place in six amazing locations in Europe.

Watch here >


Listen to our co-founder, Fanny Lakoubay, interviewed by Andrew Steinworld for ZIMA RED PODCAST.

Listen here >


The team behind ETHTURIN explains the various experiments that came off the hackathon organised in April 2020.

Watch the panel >


Past Events:

TUESDAY, September 29, 2020, 6-8PM CET
Ethereum Meetup Torino #1 // Orientamento

Comincia un nuovo anno del Meetup Ethereum Torino. L'appuntamento e' per Martedi 29 Settembre presso il co-working Toolbox, che gentilmente continua ad ospitarci. La struttura del Meetup 2020/2021 vuole essere il piu' inclusiva possibile (v. descrizione Meetup) al fine di creare sul medio-lungo termine una o piu' squadre interne di R&D. Chiedo pertanto a tutti i partecipanti di rispondere alle domande in fase di iscrizione per aiutarci nella scelta degli argomenti e delle attivita'.


ETHTURIN hackathon

ETHTurin welcomed hackers, companies and individuals who want to support and build applications with a clear environmental, social and governance (ESG) impact, using the Ethereum blockchain.

The occasion was primarily focused on local impact, in collaboration with the city, the region, universities and institutions.  

Organized during the COVIS19 pandemic, the event finally took place online, on and on Discord for the hacking.

Partners included Gitcoin, the Ethereum Foundation,, Ethereum Italia, DeFI Italy and many more.



Contact Us To Plan Your Next Local Event:
Residency, Exhibition, Hackathon or Else


Please complete the form below


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